I got this girl several months ago, and have yet to find her name. Let me tell you about her...
I just got her some new pink eyechips. I thought it was a crime for Takara to give a girl pink hair w/out matching eyes, so I bought some pink eyes from TIB and switched them out.

She has her dark side, though, and you don't want to make her mad. When she is manic she turns into a goth version of Courtney Love with pink hair.

There are two prizes attached to this challenge, shown above. One dress will go to the winner of a random drawing of comments on this post. The other dress will go to the person whose name suggestion I pick. If I don't pick any names, I'll randomly draw twice.
If the winners of the challenge would like a different dress from my shop (on the right side of this blog), and if I have the fabric available, I will make the winner's choice.
So, leave your suggestion for a name as a comment on this post, and you'll be entered to win one of the dresses from Project Blythe.
Deadline: Sunday, March 22nd, midnight Central Time
What a cute idea! OK, I'll bite...
Oh, can you leave only one name?
How about...Paisley
Thanks for letting me play!
Anemone, from TIB
I came over from Arte du Blythe! Biscuit is so sweet. Please enter me in your wonderful contest! I think you should call her Cotton Candy.
Sandy xox
oh I'll give a shot at it...naming my girls gets tricky for me too...sometimes a name comes and other times it takes a while!
For some reason Macaron popped in my head..like the asian ones you see on flickr..they come in all sorts of bright colors..and sometimes in pink like her hair! The name is sassy I think..and if you don't use it i just might for my new pink kitty..ha ha
have fun and good luck!!
here is a link to a picture i found of what i am talking about...boy do they look yummy!
Here are my entries:
Coral Pink
Lavender Pink
Cherry Blossom
Pinky Rose
I'm from TIB forum, my ID is hundredpoundradish (: I have a few names for you.
"Thistle" Many thistles have a beautiful pinkish flower top, but they also have huge spikes that will wound you if you mess with them.
"Pim" LU Pim's are cookies/biscuits with a chocolate top and fruit jam inside.
Also like Delilah & Elliot.
- Annelie
- Mia
- Lavender
Lydia Biscuit!
I think she looks like "Marissa" to me =) She's lovely.
I vote for Adelaide (Addie for short, which she signs with a heart on the "I", haha).
How fun is this! How about Dinky Devereaux! It combines cute girliness with intelligence and a l'il bit of danger. And her nickname could be Dink.
Whatever you choose, have fun-DaBi is a great grrl to have!
Oh how fun!
How about
Tilly Harvard
Petunia Lee
Good luck on naming your girl!
Gbaby on flickr
bebebentley on TIB
this is an awesome idea, love it! Especially 'cause I tend to name every doll I see - even if they are not mine xDDD
So, here are my entries:
Dusty Cosmos (my favorite :P);
Lily Primrose
Poppy Kinneret (Hebrew name, it means harp)
hope you like them! And thanks for such a cute contest :D
xo ally (tinydancingdoll on tib)
Great idea and such a pretty doll. My suggestions are:
Great idea and such a pretty doll. My suggestions are:
She looks like a Hayley to me.
I couldn't think of anything so I asked my Blythes and here are their suggestions:
RRe: Kitty Wise
CG: Vega Lune
DaBi: Flamingo
DB: Trinity
MRM: Neon Rose
GR: Genesis (Genny for short)
LL: Varda Valentine
ADG: Bubble Nebula
VS: Coralline
MM: Sugar Sage
Mohair custom: Lola Rollerskate
CaCha: Maxie Mars
I'm pygmalion on TIB.
Wow this is such a fab idea hunny : ) I have a few ideas:
Bambini (Bambi for short!)
Sherry Sprinkles
Good luck this so much fun!
Amy (Oh my Blythe! on TIB)
Izabella- not so unusual but it feels so right for a naughty nice girlsp
How about Cashmere?
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